Healing journey, Healing Journey: The Birth of New Beginnings

Healing Journey: The Birth of New Beginnings

Healing journey, Healing Journey: The Birth of New Beginnings

What is a healing journey? Is it engaging the vital flow of an organism at all levels? Does it mean having times when all is integrated and functioning optimally? Is it feeling joy and invincibility? 

Everyone’s healing journey is unique.

I have experienced this energy in all its manifestations. It becomes the cell in all our tissues. The energy transforms the fluids that flow through our systems, inside and outside of our cells. It is our thoughts, our bones, our emotions.

Every day we are in a balancing act with our being at all levels. Most of the time it is unconscious. When we apply our conscious mind and our breath we become masters of our own health. This advances physical healing, spiritual healing and emotional healing. We are always participating in our experience of life in this body.

Healing journey, Healing Journey: The Birth of New Beginnings

Self acceptance is key to self healing.

It matters to our overall health how we accept ourselves. Self-empowerment, self-advocating and self-esteem come from our center. We attempt to reside there every moment, balancing our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.

We co-exist with our darkness and our light. They are part of us. We are darkness where we do not open to the light, and our darkness is the place of profound growth that makes us slow down.

When we cocoon in our homes we run into all our selves and we get a chance to integrate. If we collect our dark places, pay attention to them and love them with our nourishing heart we will find ourselves in our center. We can intend a healing life.

Healing journey, Healing Journey: The Birth of New Beginnings

The process of becoming is the evolutionary journey of each of our lives. It is filled with our uniqueness. We start as two cells and grow into a cellular organism of trillions. It is the job of an organism to continue to function, we never stop growing. We organize and destroy all the time. Can I embrace this love for life which has me creating and deconstructing myself all the time? For me this is my joy.

I am larger than my biophysical process, steady while dying takes place in service to my growth. This is evolution. Evolving never ends.

Healing journey, Healing Journey: The Birth of New Beginnings

My family’s healing journey.

At present I am bringing my story into public awareness. I had birthed, then later went about saving the precious life of my daughter. It is a hard thing to share. There is a lot of darkness with the kind of shine a diamond has by candlelight. She grew under pressure and pain while I became a wizard of magic proportions. Now I carry a finished bound book that reveals many parts of this challenged and rarified experience that I no longer live.  I am publishing my memoir so it can be part of all of our stories and bring hope. I construct, deconstruct and reconstruct the hero’s path of resilience.  Learn more about our healing journey by reading Dancing In The Narrows.

How do you listen to your own life more deeply in challenging times?

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