I am a mother of a daughter who struggled with chronic Lyme disease for over 10 years. I made it through the darkest times by focusing on the bond between us. The life spirit we shared was more powerful than bodily pain. In tragic moments I let humor erupt to shake us out of fear. I nourished tenderness to bring out love as the healer of all. Part of my work is now focused on Lyme disease awareness and healing.
I maintained an unwavering faith in my daughter staying alive. It guided me to be present in every moment I could and learn from the darkness. This is reflected in my book, Dancing In The Narrows.
One of the great lights on our journey to wellness was Lyme disease awareness and Health Advocate, Daisy White.
Daisy White – Health Advocate
“What helped me to help others in their darkest days was borrowed from my own journey. I employed a single minded determination to find all answers at all times. I coupled that with a deep surrender and dedicated study of anything I could learn about. Then, like in great surfing, I mounted the board fully informed. Riding into shore on a big wave, I let go of the outcome. I let the universe know that I was ready for the ride. Rather than looking looking for one solution, I surrendered to one day, one month, one year, one lifetime, of true healing. I’ve seen it time and time again with clients. They finally connect to that moment of surrender, they begin to ride the tumultuous waves of wellness into their authentic lives to become fully well.”
Lyme disease warriors share their wisdom about what got them through their darkest times:
Dana Penenberg – Integrative Energetics
“What got me through the darkest times was, first, knowing that my mom was fighting so hard to help me. Ibuilt the courage to prioritize my own life and wellbeing. Beyond that, I found ways to express myself and transcend that pain and hopelessness. By immersing myself in things like laughter, nature, dancing, Kundalini yoga, music, a book or movie that had a story crazier than my own were soothing. Those moments are beautiful in the way that the ego dissolves. There’s nothing to do but surrender and love harder. I’m grateful to know that deep well of life force within myself that transcends circumstance.”
Taylor Love – Wellness Advocate
“What got me through the absolute darkest times was my family staying by my side. They literally stayed right next to me while I bawled for days in emotional pain and fear. Also, my faith in God. It helped knowing that He would never leave me or forget about me.”
Lauren Lovejoy – Founder and president of Lyme Warrior Advocate
“What helped me in my darkest days of Lyme Disease was being able to contribute to the Lyme community. Because I was homebound and hardly able to do anything, I went online and began organizing online advocacy efforts and joining together like-minded people facing the Lyme battle. While it never felt like enough, it was something I could do to keep myself motivated and moving forward.”
Terry Mayfield – Lyme Disease Blogger
” I write often on my blog about my struggles with Lyme, coinfections and a plethora of various conditions. A strong arsenal keeps me going— my faith and family. More times than I care to remember over this lengthy and bumpy illness + healing journey, I’ve pleaded to God for the strength to help me keep fighting. Family and friends have been (and are) my prayer warriors—pillars in this fight—helping to lift me in my darkest of times. Without a doubt, my husband is my rock. If not for his unwavering love, support and commitment to me, our marriage and to trying to help improve my quality of life… I would have given up on the fight (and this life) years ago. I may be a weary illness fighter, but I am blessed by His Grace and love of my family.”
Laure Woods – Founder of Bay Area Lyme Foundation
“I felt as if I had lost my life for almost 3 years. During that time, I knew that when I was able again, I would create a foundation that helps Lyme patients. I wanted this foundation to be lazer focused on funding novel therapeutic research, which would have the highest impact on the Lyme community. And I did.”
Amy Rose – Co-Founder of Arkansas Lyme Foundation
“There were several things that got me through the darkest times. I had been misdiagnosed by 26 doctors and before I found out I had Lyme Disease, I had a curiosity to find out what was wrong. I felt like I was close to dying and I had an internal need to find out why.
Second was my family. They are the main reason I am still alive and why I didn’t do anything drastic. If I had not been supported and believed by them, I would have never been able to continue searching for answers.
Last, after I found out the truth regarding my diagnosis, I remembered being bitten in Arkansas who (at the time) was not reporting Lyme Disease. I spoke to many patients in Arkansas who were heckled, patronized and denied testing and treatment by the medical community.
Due to this feedback, I decided to start a Foundation and an online Support Group for Lyme patients in Arkansas. We are able to help shed a little light and give patients hope.Arkansas is now reporting a small amount of positive cases but most doctors are still uneducated on how to test, treat and report properly. We are hopeful this will change as Lyme Disease gets a bigger spotlight.”
Olivia Goodreau – Livlyme Foundation
“What got me through my darkest times of my Lyme journey was loyal friends and music. I looked forward to seeing my friends after doctors appointments or being home bound. Music would let me escape out of body that was on fire. Music & friends saved me.”
Paula Jackson Jones President and Co–Founder of Midcoast Lyme Disease Support & Education
“I have traveled all over the state of Maine sharing my personal story of being misdiagnosed by over 23 Dr’s and specialists and how important it is to be connected to the right medical providers to not only receive a proper diagnosis but also proper and adequate treatment. Through it all I always touch on the one thing this disease could not touch, tatter, shatter or infiltrate and that was my faith.”
Paula Jackson Jones – President and Co-Founder of
Midcoast Lyme Disease Support & Education
Angela Naeth – Professional Triathlete and Coach
“‘Keep Moving Forward’ Those three words were and still are everything.”
Healing from chronic illness is not only about physical recovery. Emotional and mental health are essential to every healing journey. I hope this post cultivates Lyme disease awareness and provides hope to those who need it. Check out Dancing In The Narrows to learn more about my daughter’s Lyme journey and the healing we went through as a family.